baby first book

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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

70 kata-kata org terkenal

1. Marah itu mudah. Tapi marah kepada siapa, dengan kadar kemarahan yang tulen, pada saat dan tujuan yang tepat, serta dengan cara yang benar itu yang sulit. (Aristoteles)
2. Kesakitan membuat Anda berpikir. Pikiran membuat Anda bijaksana. Kebijaksanaan membuat kita bisa bertahan dalam hidup. (John Pattrick).
3. Jangan pernah melupakan apa pun yang dikatakan seseorang ketika ia marah, karena akan seperti itu pulalah perlakuannya pada Anda. (Henry Ward Beecher)
4. Keberhasilan adalah kemampuan untuk melewati dan mengatasi dari satu kegagalan ke kegagalan berikutnya tanpa kehilangan semangat. (Winston Chuchill)
5. Bakat terbentuk dalam gelombang kesunyian, watak terbentuk dalam riak besar kehidupan. (Goethe)
6. Secara teoritis saya meyakini hidup harus dinikmati, tapi kenyataannya justru sebaliknya – Karena tak semuanya mudah dinikmati. (Charles Lamb)
7. Orang yang menginginkan impiannya menjadi kenyataan, harus menjaga diri agar tidak tertidur. (Richard Wheeler)
8. Bila Anda ingin bahagia, buatlah tujuan yang bisa mengendalikan pikiran, melepaskan tenaga, serta mengilhami harapan Anda, (Andrew Carnegie).
9. Kita hanya berfikir ketika kita terbentur pada suatu masalah. (John Dewey)
10.Kesalahan orang lain terletak pada mata kita, tetapi kesalahan kita sendiri terletak di punggung kita. (Ruchert)
11.Yang baik bagi orang lain adalah selalu yang betul-betul membahagiakannya. (Aristoteles)
12.Semua yang real bersifat rasional dan semua yang rasional bersifat real. (Hegel)
13.Sebelum menolong orang lain, saya harus dapat menolong diri sendiri. Sebelum menguatkan orang lain, saya harus bisa menguatkan diri sendiri dahulu. (Petrus Claver)
14.Lebih baik bertempur dan kalah daripada tidak pernah bertempur sama sekali. (Arthur Hugh Clough)
15.Hidup adalah lelucon yang baru saja dimulai. (W.S. Gilbert)
16.Orang yang bisa menggunakan dan menyimpan uang adalah orang yang paling bahagia, karena ia memiliki kedua kesenangan. (Samuel Johnson)
17.Kebijaksanaan tidak pernah berbohong. (Homer)
18.Tuhan sering mengunjungi kita, tetapi kebanyakan kita sedang tidak ada di rumah. (Joseph Roux)
19.Seorang pendengar yang baik mencoba memahami sepenuhnya apa yang dikatakan orang lain. Pada akhirnya mungkin saja ia sangat tidak setuju, tetapi sebelum ia tidak setuju, ia ingin tahu dulu dengan tepat apa yang tidak disetujuinya. (Kenneth A. Wells)
20.Seorang lelaki sudah setengah jatuh cinta kepada wanita yang mau mendengarkan omongannya dengan penuh perhatian. (Brenden Francis)
21.Kebahagian hidup yang sebenarnya adalah hidup dengan rendah hati. (W.M. Thancheray)
22.3x25 Watt ≠ 75 WattSebuah bola lampu berukuran 75 watt kelihatan bersinar lebih terang dibandingkan dengan tiga buah bola lampu 25 Watt yang dinyalakan bersamaan.
23.Dari semua hal, pengetahuan adalah yang paling baik, karena tidak kena tanggung jawab maupun tidak dapat dicuri, karena tidak dapat dibeli, dan tidak dapat dihancurkan. (Hitopadesa)
24.Bila orang mulai dengan kepastian, dia akan berakhir dengan keraguan. Jika orang mulai dengan keraguan, dia akan berakhir dengan kepastian. (Francis Bacon)
25.Cuma sedikit orang yang menginginkan kebebasan, kebanyakan hanya menginginkan seorang tuan yang adil. (Gaius Sallatus Crispus)
26.Tak diinginkan, tak dicintai, tidak diperhatikan, dilupakan orang, itu merupakan derita kelaparan yang hebat, kemiskinan yang lebih besar daripada orang yang tak bisa makan. Kita harus saling merasakan hal itu. (Ibu Teresa)
27.Pengalaman bukan saja yang telah terjadi pada diri Anda. Melainkan apa yang Anda lakukan dengan kejadian yang Anda alami. (Aldous Huxley)
28.Dunia adalah komedi bagi mereka yan memikirkannya, atau tragedi bagi mereka yang merasakannya. (Harace Walpole)
29.Saya percaya kata managing berarti memegang burung dara di kepalan tangan. Kalau terlalu kencang ia akan mati. Tapi bila terlalu kendur, bisa terlepas. (Tommy Lasorda)
30 Sejarah manusia merupakan tanah pemakaman dari kebudayaan-kebudaya an yang tinggi, yang rontok karena mereka tidak mampu melakukan reaksi sukarela yang terencana dan rasional untuk menghadapi tantangan. (Erich Fromm)
31.Kemajuan merupakan kata yang merdu. Tetapi perubahanlah penggeraknya dan perubahan mempunyai banyak musuh. (Robert F. Kennedy)
32.Kita mengajarkan disiplin untuk giat, untuk bekerja, untuk kebaikan, bukan agar anak-anak menjadi loyo, pasif, atau penurut. (Maria Montessori)
33.Tugas dan pendidikan ialah mengusahakan agar anak tidak mempunyai anggapan keliru bahwa kebaikan sama dengan bersikap loyo dan kejahatan sama dengan bersikap giat. (Maria Montessori)
34.Kemampuan menertibkan keinginan merupakan latar belakang dari watak. (John Locke 1632-1704)
35.Kebahagian dari setiap negara lebih bergantung pada watak penduduknya daripada bentuk pemerintahannya. (Thomas Chandler Haliburton 1796-1865)
36.Menyapu lantai dan mencuci pispot sama mulianya seperti menjadi presiden. (Richard M. Nixon)
37.Jangan pernah membanting pintu, siapa tau kita harus kembali. (Don Herold)
38.Diplomat ialah orang yang selalu ingat pada ulang tahun seorang wanita tetapi tidak pernah ingat berapa umur wanita itu. (Robert Frost)
39.Orang yang paling tidak bahagia ialah mereka yang yang paling takut pada perubahan. (Mignon McLaughlin)
40.Kalau manusia berangsur menjadi tua, umumnya ia cendrung menetang perubahan, terutama perubahan ke arah perbaikan. (John Steinbeck)
41.Selama hidup saya yang sudah 87 tahun ini, saya telah menyaksikan serentetan revolusi teknologi. Tetapi tidak satu pun diantaranya yang tidak membutuhkan watak yang baik atau kemampuan untuk berfikir. (Bernard M. Baruch)
42.Pendidikan mempunyai akar yang pahit, tapi buahnya manis. (Aristoteles)
43.Pendidikan mengembangkan kemampuan, tetapi tidak menciptakannya. (Voltaire)
44.Pendidikan yang baik tidak menjamin pembentukan watak yang baik. (Fonttenelle)
45.Setelah makan, pendidikan merupakan keperluan utama rakyat. (Danton)
46.Kerendahan hati disukai orang-orang terkenal. Namun orang yang bukan apa-apa sulit untuk rendah hati. (Paul Valěry)
47.Emansipasi merupakan seni untuk berdiri di atas kaki sendiri namun dipeluk tangan orang lain. (Alex Winter)
48.Sebelum menikah saya mempunyai enam teori tentang bagaimana mendidik anak. Kini saya mempunyai enam anak dan tidak mempunyai teori. (John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester 1647-1680)
49.Kebahagiaan itu seperti batu arang, ia diperoleh sebagai produk sampingan dalam proses pembuatan sesuatu. (Aldous Huxley)
50.Dari pesawat terbang yang saya cintai, saya melihat ilmu pengetahuan yang saya puja memusnahkan kebudayaan, padahal saya mengharapkan mereka dimanfaatkan untuk kebudayaan. (Charles A. Lindbergh, Jr.)
51.Harapan adalah tiang yang menyangga dunia. (Pliny the Elder)
52.Alat penghemat kerja yang paling populer sampai saat ini masih tetap suami yang berada. (Joey Adams)
53.Seorang arkeology merupakan suami yang terbaik yang bisa diperoleh wanita; makin tua si istri, makin besar minat suami terhadapnya. (Agatha Cristie)
54.Saya lebih suka lamunan untuk masa akan datang daripada sejarah masa lalu. (Thomas Jefferson 1743-1826)
55.Jangan memberi nasehat kalau tidak diminta. (Erasmus)
56.Manusia mudah dibohongi oleh orang yang dicintainya. (Molire)
57.Sebelum menulis, belajarlah berpikir dulu. (Boileau)
58.Orang yang berjiwa cukupan, merasa bisa menulis dengan hebat. Orang yang berjiwa besar merasa bisa menulis cukupan. (La Bruyère)
59.Kemenangan yang paling indah adalah bisa menaklukkan hati sendiri. (La Fontaine)
60.Tidak ada yang selembut dan sekeras hati. (G.C. Lichtenberg)
61.Lebih baik mengerti sedikit daripada salah mengerti. (A. France)
62.Orang memerlukan dua tahun untuk berbicara, tetapi limapuluh tahun untuk belajar tutup mulut. (Ernest Hemingway)
63.Penulis buku jarang intelektual. Intelektual ialah mereka yang berbicara tentang buku yang ditulis orang lain. (Françoise Sagan)
64.Orang yang mencemarkan udara dengan pabriknya dan anak ghetto yang memecahkan kaca etalase toko menunjukkan hal yang sama. Mereka tidak peduli pada orang lain. (Dhaniel Patrick Moynihan)
65.Mereka yang bermimpi di siang hari akan lebih menyadari bahaya yang luput dari penglihatan mereka yang mimpi di malam hari. (Edgar Allen Poe)
66.”Mulai” adalah kata yang penuh kekuatan. Cara terbaik untuk menyelesaikan sesuatu adalah, “mulai”.Tapi juga mengherankan, pekerjaan apa yang dapat kita selesaikan kalau kita hanya memulainya. (Clifford Warren)
67.Saya tak hanya menggunakan semua kecerdasan yang dimiliki otak melainkan juga yang dapat saya pinjam. (Woodrow Wilson)
68.Yang kalah adalah wujud hukuman atas kegagalan. Pemenang adalah penghargaan atas kesuksesannya. (Bob Gilbert)
69.Bila Anda mengatakan apa yang Anda pikirkan, jangan harap hanya mendengar apa yang Anda sukai. (Malcom S. Forbes)
70.Kesulitan itu ibarat seorang bayi. Hanya bisa berkembang dengan cara merawatnya. (Douglas Jerrold)

credit to : haxims

Thursday, June 10, 2010

List of Phobia

13, number- Triskadekaphobia.
666, number- Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
8, number- Octophobia.


Abuse: sexual- Contreltophobia.
Accidents- Dystychiphobia.
Air- Anemophobia.
Air swallowing- Aerophobia.
Airborne noxious substances- Aerophobia.
Airsickness- Aeronausiphobia.
Alcohol- Methyphobia or Potophobia.
Alone, being- Autophobia or Monophobia.
Alone, being or solitude- Isolophobia.
Amnesia- Amnesiphobia.
Anger- Angrophobia or Cholerophobia.
Angina- Anginophobia.
Animals- Zoophobia.
Animals, skins of or fur- Doraphobia.
Animals, wild- Agrizoophobia.
Ants- Myrmecophobia.
Anything new- Neophobia.
Asymmetrical things- Asymmetriphobia
Atomic Explosions- Atomosophobia.
Automobile, being in a moving- Ochophobia.
Automobiles- Motorphobia.


Bacteria- Bacteriophobia.
Bald people- Peladophobia.
Bald, becoming- Phalacrophobia.
Bathing- Ablutophobia.
Bats- Chiroptophobia.
Beards- Pogonophobia.
Beaten by a rod or instrument of punishment, or of being severely criticized- Rhabdophobia.
Beautiful women- Caligynephobia.
Beds or going to bed- Clinophobia.
Bees- Apiphobia or Melissophobia.
Belly buttons- Omphalophobia.
Bicycles- Cyclophobia.
Birds- Ornithophobia.
Black- Melanophobia.
Blindness in a visual field- Scotomaphobia.
Blood- Hemophobia, Hemaphobia or Hematophobia.
Blushing or the color red- Erythrophobia, Erytophobia or Ereuthophobia.
Body odors- Osmophobia or Osphresiophobia.
Body, things to the left side of the body- Levophobia.
Body, things to the right side of the body- Dextrophobia.
Bogeyman or bogies- Bogyphobia.
Bolsheviks- Bolshephobia.
Books- Bibliophobia.
Bound or tied up- Merinthophobia.
Bowel movements: painful- Defecaloesiophobia.
Brain disease- Meningitophobia.
Bridges or of crossing them- Gephyrophobia.
Buildings: being close to high buildings- Batophobia.
Bullets- Ballistophobia.
Bulls- Taurophobia.
Bums or beggars- Hobophobia.
Burglars, or being harmed by wicked persons- Scelerophobia.
Buried alive, being or cemeteries- Taphephobia or Taphophobia.


Cancer- Cancerophobia, Carcinophobia.
Car or vehicle, riding in- Amaxophobia.
Cats- Aclurophobia, Ailurophobia, Elurophobia, Felinophobia, Galeophobia, or Gatophobia.
Celestial spaces- Astrophobia.
Cemeteries- Coimetrophobia.
Cemeteries or being buried alive- Taphephobia or Taphophobia.
Ceremonies, religious- Teleophobia.
Changes, making; moving- Tropophobia or Metathesiophobia.
Chickens- Alektorophobia.
Child, bearing a deformed; deformed people- Teratophobia.
Childbirth- Maleusiophobia, Tocophobia, Parturiphobia, or Lockiophobia.
Children- Pedophobia.
Chinese or Chinese culture- Sinophobia.
Chins- Geniophobia.
Choking or being smothered- Pnigophobia or Pnigerophobia.
Choking- Anginophobia.
Cholera- Cholerophobia.
Chopsticks- Consecotaleophobia.
Church- Ecclesiophobia.
Clocks- Chronomentrophobia.
Clocks or time- Chronophobia.
Clothing- Vestiphobia.
Clouds- Nephophobia.
Clowns- Coulrophobia.
Coitus- Coitophobia.
Cold or cold things- Frigophobia.
Cold: extreme, ice or frost- Cryophobia.
Cold- Cheimaphobia, Cheimatophobia, Psychrophobia or Psychropophobia.
Color purple- Porphyrophobia.
Color red or blushing- Erythrophobia, Erytophobia or Ereuthophobia.
Color yellow- Xanthophobia.
Color white- Leukophobia.
Colors- Chromophobia or Chromatophobia.
Comets- Cometophobia.
Computers or working on computers- Cyberphobia.
Confined spaces- Claustrophobia.
Constipation- Coprastasophobia.
Contamination, dirt or infection- Molysmophobia or Molysomophobia.
Contamination with dirt or germs- Misophobia or Mysophobia.
Cooking- Mageirocophobia.
Corpses- Necrophobia.
Cosmic Phenomenon- Kosmikophobia.
Creepy, crawly things- Herpetophobia.
Criticized severely, or beaten by rod or instrument of punishment- Rhabdophobia.
Criticism- Enissophobia.
Crosses or the crucifix- Staurophobia.
Crossing streets- Agyrophobia or Dromophobia.
Crowded public places like markets- Agoraphobia.
Crowds or mobs- Enochlophobia, Demophobia or Ochlophobia.
Crucifix, the or crosses- Staurophobia.
Crystals or glass- Crystallophobia.


Dampness, moisture or liquids- Hygrophobia.
Dancing- Chorophobia.
Dark or night- Nyctophobia.
Dark place, being in- Lygophobia.
Darkness- Achluophobia or Myctophobia, or Scotophobia.
Dawn or daylight- Eosophobia.
Daylight or sunshine- Phengophobia.
Death or dying- Thanatophobia.
Death or dead things- Necrophobia.
Decaying matter- Seplophobia.
Decisions: making decisions- Decidophobia.
Defeat- Kakorrhaphiophobia.
Deformed people or bearing a deformed child- Teratophobia.
Deformity or unattractive body image- Dysmorphophobia.
Demons- Demonophobia or Daemonophobia.
Dental surgery- Odontophobia.
Dentists- Dentophobia.
Dependence on others- Soteriophobia.
Depth- Bathophobia.
Diabetes- Diabetophobia.
Dining or dinner conversations- Deipnophobia.
Dirt, contamination or infection- Molysmophobia or Molysomophobia.
Dirt or germs, being contaminated with- Misophobia or mysophobia.
Dirt or filth- Rhypophobia or Rupophobia.
Dirty, being dirty or personal filth- Automysophobia.
Disease- Nosophobia, Nosemaphobia or Pathophobia.
Disease and suffering- Panthophobia.
Disease, a definite- Monopathophobia.
Disease, brain- Meningitophobia.
Disease: kidney- Albuminurophobia.
Disease, rectal- Rectophobia.
Disorder or untidiness- Ataxophobia.
Dizziness or vertigo when looking down- Illyngophobia.
Dizziness or whirlpools- Dinophobia.
Doctor, going to the- Iatrophobia.
Doctrine, challenges to or radical deviation from official- Heresyphobia or Hereiophobia.
Dogs or rabies- Cynophobia.
Dolls- Pediophobia.
Double vision- Diplophobia.
Drafts- Aerophobia or Anemophobia.
Dreams, wet- Oneirogmophobia.
Dreams- Oneirophobia.
Drinking- Dipsophobia.
Drugs, new- Neopharmaphobia.
Drugs or taking medicine- Pharmacophobia.
Dryness- Xerophobia.
Dust- Amathophobia or Koniophobia.
Dust- Amathophobia.
Duty or responsibility, neglecting- Paralipophobia.
Dying or death- Thanatophobia.


Eating or swallowing- Phagophobia.
Eating or food- Sitophobia or Sitiophobia.
Eating or swallowing or of being eaten- Phagophobia.
Eight, the number- Octophobia.
Electricity- Electrophobia.
Englishness- Anglophobia.
Erect penis- Medorthophobia.
Erection, losing an- Medomalacuphobia.
Everything- Panophobia, Panphobia, Pamphobia, or Pantophobia.
Eyes- Ommetaphobia or Ommatophobia.
Eyes, opening one's- Optophobia..


Fabrics, certain- Textophobia.
Failure- Atychiphobia or Kakorrhaphiophobia.
Fainting- Asthenophobia.
Fatigue- Kopophobia.
Fearful situations: being preferred by a phobic- Counterphobia.
Feathers or being tickled by feathers- Pteronophobia.
Fecal matter, feces- Coprophobia or Scatophobia.
Female genitals- Kolpophobia.
Female genitalia- Eurotophobia.
Fever- Febriphobia, Fibriphobia, Fidriophobia or Pyrexiophobia.
Filth or dirt- Rhypophobia.
Fire- Arsonphobia or Pyrophobia.
Firearms- Hoplophobia.
Fish- Ichthyophobia.
Flashes- Selaphobia.
Flogging or punishment- Mastigophobia.
Floods- Antlophobia.
Flowers- Anthrophobia or Anthophobia.
Flutes- Aulophobia.
Flying- Aviophobia or Aviatophobia or Pteromerhanophobia.
Fog- Homichlophobia or Nebulaphobia.
Food or eating- Sitophobia or Sitiophobia.
Food- Cibophobia.
Foreigners or strangers- Xenophobia.
Foreign languages- Xenoglossophobia.
Forests or wooden objects- Xylophobia.
Forests- Hylophobia.
Forests, dark wooded area, of at night- Nyctohylophobia
Forgetting or being forgotten- Athazagoraphobia.
France or French culture- Francophobia, Gallophobia or Galiphobia.
Freedom- Eleutherophobia.
Friday the 13th- Paraskavedekatriaphobia.
Frogs- Batrachophobia.
Frost, ice or extreme cold- Cryophobia.
Frost or ice- Pagophobia.
Functioning or work: surgeon's fear of operating- Ergasiophobia.
Fur or skins of animals- Doraphobia.


Gaiety- Cherophobia.
Garlic- Alliumphobia.
Genitals, particularly female- Kolpophobia.
Genitalia, female- Eurotophobia.
Germans or German culture- Germanophobia or Teutophobia.
Germs or dirt, being contaminated with- Misophobia or mysophobia.
Germs- Verminophobia.
Ghosts or specters- Spectrophobia.
Ghosts- Phasmophobia.
Girls, young or virgins- Parthenophobia.
Glass or crystals- Crystallophobia.
Glass- Hyelophobia, Hyalophobia or Nelophobia.
Gloomy place, being in- Lygophobia.
God or gods- Zeusophobia.
Gods or religion- Theophobia.
Gold- Aurophobia.
Good news, hearing good news- Euphobia.
Gravity- Barophobia.
Greek or Greek culture- Hellophobia.
Greek terms- Hellenologophobia.


Hair- Chaetophobia, Trichopathophobia, Trichophobia, or Hypertrichophobia.
Halloween- Samhainophobia.
Hands- Chirophobia.
Handwriting- Graphophobia.
Harmed by wicked persons; bad men or burglars- Scelerophobia.
Heart- Cardiophobia.
Heat- Thermophobia.
Heaven- Ouranophobia or Uranophobia.
Heights- Acrophobia, Altophobia, Batophobia, Hypsiphobia or Hyposophobia.
Hell- Hadephobia, Stygiophobia or Stigiophobia.
Heredity- Patroiophobia.
Holy things- Hagiophobia.
Home- Ecophobia.
Home surroundings or a house- Oikophobia.
Home, returning- Nostophobia.
Home surroundings- Eicophobia.
Homosexuality or of becoming homosexual- Homophobia.
Horses- Equinophobia or Hippophobia.
Hospitals- Nosocomephobia.
House or home surroundings- Oikophobia.
Houses or being in a house- Domatophobia.
Hurricanes and tornadoes- Lilapsophobia.
Hypnotized, being or of sleep- Hypnophobia.


Ice or frost- Pagophobia.
Ice, frost or extreme cold- Cryophobia.
Ideas- Ideophobia.
Ignored, being- Athazagoraphobia.
Imperfection- Atelophobia.
Inability to stand- Basiphobia or Basophobia.
Infection, contamination or dirt- Molysmophobia or Molysomophobia.
Infinity- Apeirophobia.
Injections- Trypanophobia.
Injury- Traumatophobia.
Insanity, dealing with- Lyssophobia.
Insanity- Dementophobia or Maniaphobia.
Insects- Acarophobia or Entomophobia or Insectophobia.
Insects that eat wood- Isopterophobia.
Insects that cause itching- Acarophobia.
Itching- Acarophobia.


Japanese or Japanese culture- Japanophobia.
Jealousy- Zelophobia.
Jews- Judeophobia.
Joint immobility- Ankylophobia.
Jumping from high and low places- Catapedaphobia.
Justice- Dikephobia.


Kidney disease- Albuminurophobia.
Kissing- Philemaphobia or Philematophobia.
Knees- Genuphobia.
Knowledge- Gnosiophobia or Epistemophobia.


Lakes- Limnophobia.
Large things- Megalophobia.
Laughter- Geliophobia.
Lawsuits- Liticaphobia.
Learning- Sophophobia.
Left-handed; objects at the left side of the body- Sinistrophobia.
Leprosy- Leprophobia or Lepraphobia.
Lice- Pediculophobia or Phthiriophobia.
Light- Photophobia.
Light flashes- Selaphobia.
Lightning and thunder- Brontophobia or Karaunophobia.
Lights, glaring- Photoaugliaphobia.
Liquids, dampness or moisture- Hygrophobia.
Locked in an enclosed place- Cleithrophobia, Cleisiophobia, or Clithrophobia.
Lockjaw or tetanus- Tetanophobia.
Loneliness or of being oneself- Eremophobia or Eremiphobia.
Looking up- Anablephobia or Anablepophobia.
Loud noises- Ligyrophobia.
Love, sexual love- Erotophobia.
Love play- Malaxophobia or Sarmassophobia.
Love, falling or being in- Philophobia.


Machines- Mechanophobia.
Mad, becoming- Lyssophobia.
Many things- Polyphobia.
Marriage- Gamophobia.
Materialism- Hylephobia.
Matter, decaying- Seplophobia.
Meat- Carnophobia.
Medicine, taking; or drugs- Pharmacophobia.
Medicines, mercurial- Hydrargyophobia.
Medicine, prescribing by a doctor- Opiophobia.
Memories- Mnemophobia.
Men, bad or burglars or being harmed by wicked persons- Scelerophobia.
Men- Androphobia or Arrhenphobia or Hominophobia.
Menstruation- Menophobia.
Mercurial medicines- Hydrargyophobia.
Metal- Metallophobia.
Meteors- Meteorophobia.
Mice- Musophobia, Murophobia or Suriphobia.
Microbes- Bacillophobia or Microbiophobia.
Mind- Psychophobia.
Mirrors or seeing oneself in a mirror- Eisoptrophobia.
Mirrors- Catoptrophobia.
Missiles- Ballistophobia.
Mobs or crowds- Demophobia, Enochlophobia or Ochlophobia.
Moisture, dampness or liquids- Hygrophobia.
Money- Chrometophobia or Chrematophobia.
Moon- Selenophobia.
Mother-in-law- Pentheraphobia.
Moths- Mottephobia.
Motion or movement- Kinetophobia or Kinesophobia.
Moving or making changes- Tropophobia.
Moving automobile or vehicle, being in- Ochophobia.
Muscular incoordination (Ataxia)- Ataxiophobia.
Mushrooms- Mycophobia.
Music- Melophobia.
Myths or stories or false statements- Mythophobia.


Names or hearing a certain name- Onomatophobia.
Names- Nomatophobia.
Narrow things or places- Stenophobia.
Narrowness- Anginophobia.
Needles- Aichmophobia or Belonephobia.
New, anything or novel- Kainophobia, Kainolophobia, Cenophobia, Centophobia, or Neophobia.
Newness- Cainophobia, Cenophobia, Centophobia, or Cainotophobia.
News: hearing good news- Euphobia.
Night or dark- Nyctophobia.
Night- Noctiphobia.
Noise- Acousticophobia.
Noises, loud- Ligyrophobia.
Noises or voices, speaking aloud, or telephones- Phonophobia.
Northern lights- Auroraphobia.
Nosebleeds- Epistaxiophobia.
Novelty or anything new- Kainophobia or Kainolophobia.
Novelty- Cainophobia or Cainotophobia.
Nuclear weapons- Nucleomituphobia.
Nudity- Gymnophobia or Nudophobia.
Number 8- Octophobia.
Number 13- Triskadekaphobia.
Numbers- Arithmophobia or Numerophobia.


Objects, small- Tapinophobia.
Ocean or sea- Thalassophobia.
Odor, personal- Bromidrosiphobia, Bromidrophobia, Osmophobia or Osphresiophobia.
Odor, that one has a vile odor- Autodysomophobia.
Odors or smells- Olfactophobia.
Official doctrine, challenges to or radical deviation from- Heresyphobia or Hereiophobia.
Old people- Gerontophobia.
Old, growing- Gerascophobia or Gerontophobia.
Open spaces- Agoraphobia.
Open high places- Aeroacrophobia.
Operation, surgical- Tomophobia.
Opinions- Allodoxaphobia.
Opinions, expressing- Doxophobia.
Others, dependence on- Soteriophobia.
Otters- Lutraphobia.
Outer space- Spacephobia.


Pain- Algiophobia, Ponophobia, Odynophobia or Odynephobia.
Paper- Papyrophobia.
Parasites- Parasitophobia.
Parents-in-law- Soceraphobia.
Peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth- Arachibutyrophobia.
Pellagra- Pellagrophobia.
Penis, erect- Medorthophobia.
Penis, esp erect- Phallophobia.
Penis, erect: seeing, thinking about or having- Ithyphallophobia.
Penis, losing an erection- Medomalacuphobia.
People- Anthropophobia.
People in general or society- Sociophobia.
People, deformed or bearing a deformed child- Teratophobia.
Philosophy- Philsosphobia.
Phobias- Phobophobia.
Phobic prefering fearful situations- Counterphobia.
Pins and needles- Belonephobia.
Pins- Enetophobia.
Place: locked in an enclosed place- Cleithrophobia, Cleisiophobia, or Clithrophobia.
Place, being in a dark or gloomy- Lygophobia.
Places, certain- Topophobia.
Places, crowded public- Agoraphobia.
Places, open high- Aeroacrophobia.
Places or things, narrow- Stenophobia.
Plants- Botanophobia.
Pleasure, feeling- Hedonophobia.
Poetry- Metrophobia.
Pointed objects- Aichmophobia.
Poison- Iophobia.
Poisoned, being- Toxiphobia, Toxophobia, or Toxicophobia.
Poliomyelitis, contracting- Poliosophobia.
Politicians- Politicophobia.
Pope- Papaphobia.
Poverty- Peniaphobia.
Praise, receiving- doxophobia.
Precipices- Cremnophobia.
Prescribing medicine for patients by a doctor- Opiophobia.
Priests or sacred things- Hierophobia.
Progress- Prosophobia.
Property- Orthophobia.
Prostitutes or venereal disease- Cypridophobia, Cypriphobia, Cyprianophobia, or Cyprinophobia.
Punishment or flogging- Mastigophobia.
Punishment by a rod or other instrument, or of being severely criticized- Rhabdophobia.
Punishment- Poinephobia.
Puppets- Pupaphobia.
Purple, color- Porphyrophobia.


Rabies- Cynophobia, Hydrophobophobia, Hydrophobia, Kynophobia, or Lyssophobia.
Radiation or x-rays- Radiophobia.
Railroads or train travel- Siderodromophobia.
Rain- Ombrophobia or Pluviophobia.
Rape- Virginitiphobia.
Razors- Xyrophobia.
Rat, great mole- Zemmiphobia.
Rectum or rectal diseases- Proctophobia or Rectophobia.
Red color or blushing- Erythrophobia, Erytophobia or Ereuthophobia.
Relatives- Syngenesophobia.
Religion or gods- Theophobia.
Religious ceremonies- Teleophobia.
Reptiles- Herpetophobia.
Responsibility or duty, neglecting- Paralipophobia.
Responsibility- Hypengyophobia or Hypegiaphobia.
Ridiculed, being- Catagelophobia or Katagelophobia.
Riding in a car- Amaxophobia.
Right side, things on the right side of the body- Dextrophobia.
Rivers- Potamphobia or Potamophobia.
Road travel or travel- Hodophobia.
Robbers or being robbed- Harpaxophobia.
Rooms, empty- Cenophobia or Centophobia.
Rooms- Koinoniphobia.
Ruin- Atephobia.
Running water- Potamophobia.
Russians- Russophobia.


Sacred things or priests- Hierophobia.
Satan- Satanophobia.
Scabies- Scabiophobia.
School, going to school- Didaskaleinophobia.
School- Scolionophobia.
Scientific terminology, complex- Hellenologophobia.
Scratches or being scratched- Amychophobia.
Sea or ocean- Thalassophobia.
Self, seeing oneself in a mirror- Eisoptrophobia.
Self, personal odor- Bromidrosiphobia or Bromidrophobia.
Self, being alone- Autophobia, Eremophobia, Eremiphobia or Isolophobia.
Self, being dirty- Automysophobia.
Self, being oneself- Autophobia.
Self, being seen or looked at- Scopophobia or Scoptophobia.
Self, being touched- Aphenphosmphobia.
Self, that one has a vile odor- Autodysomophobia.
Semen- Spermatophobia or Spermophobia.
Sermons- Homilophobia.
Sex- Genophobia.
Sex, opposite- Heterophobia or Sexophobia.
Sexual abuse- Agraphobia or Contreltophobia.
Sexual intercourse- Coitophobia.
Sexual love or sexual questions- Erotophobia.
Sexual perversion- Paraphobia.
Shadows- Sciophobia or Sciaphobia.
Sharks- Selachophobia.
Shellfish- Ostraconophobia.
Shock- Hormephobia.
Sin or of having committted an unpardonable sin- Enosiophobia or Enissophobia.
Sin- Hamartophobia.
Single: staying single- Anuptaphobia.
Sinning- Peccatophobia.
Sitting down- Kathisophobia.
Sitting- Cathisophobia or Thaasophobia.
Situations, certain- Topophobia.
Skin disease- Dermatosiophobia.
Skin lesions- Dermatophobia.
Skin of animals, fur- Doraphobia.
Sleep- Somniphobia.
Sleep or being hypnotized- Hypnophobia.
Slime- Blennophobia or Myxophobia.
Slopes, steep- Bathmophobia.
Small things- Microphobia, Mycrophobia.
Smells or odors- Olfactophobia.
Smothered, being or choking- Pnigophobia or Pnigerophobia.
Snakes- Ophidiophobia or Snakephobia.
Snow- Chionophobia.
Social (fear of being evaluated negatively in social situations)- Social Phobia.
Society or people in general- Anthropophobia or Sociophobia.
Solitude- Monophobia.
Sounds- Acousticophobia.
Sourness- Acerophobia.
Space, closed or locked in an enclosed space- Cleithrophobia, Cleisiophobia, Clithrophobia.
Space, outer- Spacephobia.
Spaces, confined- Claustrophobia.
Spaces, empty- Cenophobia, Centophobia or Kenophobia.
Spaces, open- Agoraphobia.
Speak, trying to- Glossophobia.
Speaking- Laliophobia or Lalophobia.
Speaking aloud, voices or noises, or telephones- Phonophobia.
Speaking in public- Glossophobia.
Specters or ghosts- Spectrophobia.
Speed- Tachophobia.
Spiders- Arachnephobia or Arachnophobia.
Spirits- Pneumatiphobia.
Stage fright- Topophobia.
Stairs or climbing stairs- Climacophobia.
Stairways- Bathmophobia.
Stand, inability to- Basiphobia or Basophobia.
Standing upright- Basistasiphobia or Basostasophobia.
Standing up- Stasiphobia.
Standing up and walking- Stasibasiphobia.
Stared at, being- Ophthalmophobia.
Stars- Siderophobia or Astrophobia.
Statements, false or myths or stories- Mythophobia.
Staying single- Anuptaphobia.
Stealing- Cleptophobia or Kleptophobia.
Step-father- Vitricophobia.
Steep slopes- Bathmophobia.
Step-mother- Novercaphobia.
Stings- Cnidophobia.
Stooping- Kyphophobia.
Stories or myths or false statements- Mythophobia.
Strangers or foreigners- Xenophobia.
Streets, crossing streets- Dromophobia.
Streets- Agyrophobia.
String- Linonophobia.
Storm, thunder- Brontophobia.
Stuttering- Psellismophobia.
Suffering and disease- Panthophobia.
Sun or sunlight- Heliophobia.
Sunshine or daylight- Phengophobia.
Surgeon's fear of operating: work or functioning- Ergasiophobia.
Surgical operations- Tomophobia.
Swallowing or eating- Phagophobia.
Symbolism- Symbolophobia.
Symmetry- Symmetrophobia.
Syphillis (lues)- Luiphobia or Syphilophobia.


Tapeworms- Taeniophobia.
Taste- Geumaphobia or Geumophobia.
Technology- Technophobia.
Teenagers- Ephebiphobia.
Teeth- Odontophobia.
Telephones, noises or voices, or speaking aloud- Phonophobia.
Telephones- Telephonophobia.
Termites- Isopterophobia.
Tests, taking- Testophobia.
Tetanus or lockjaw- Tetanophobia.
Theaters- Theatrophobia.
Theology- Theologicophobia.
Things, many- Polyphobia.
Things, large- Megalophobia.
Things or places, narrow- Stenophobia.
Things, small- Microphobia or Mycrophobia.
Thinking- Phronemophobia.
Thunder- Ceraunophobia.
Thunder and lightning- Astraphobia, Astrapophobia, Brontophobia or Keraunophobia.
Tickled by feathers or feathers- Pteronophobia.
Tied or bound up- Merinthophobia.
Time or clocks- Chronophobia.
Toads- Bufonophobia.
Tombstones- Placophobia.
Tornadoes and hurricanes- Lilapsophobia.
Touched, being touched- Aphenphosmphobia, Haphephobia or Haptephobia or Chiraptophobia.
Trains, railroads or train travel- Siderodromophobia.
Travel or road travel- Hodophobia.
Trees- Dendrophobia.
Trembling- Ttremophobia.
Trichinosis- Trichinophobia.
Tuberculosis- Phthisiophobia or Tuberculophobia.
Tyrants- Tyrannophobia.


Ugliness- Cacophobia.
Undressing in front of someone- Dishabillophobia.
Urine or urinating- Urophobia.


Vaccination- Vaccinophobia.
Vegetables- Lachanophobia.
Venereal disease or prostitutes- Cypridophobia, Cypriphobia, Cyprianophobia, or Cyprinophobia.
Ventriloquist's dummy- Automatonophobia.
Vertigo or dizziness when looking down- Illyngophobia.
Virginity, losing one's- Primeisodophobia.
Virgins or young girls- Parthenophobia.
Vision: double vision- Diplophobia.
Voices or noises, speaking aloud or telephones- Phonophobia.
Voids or empty spaces- Kenophobia.
Vomiting secondary to airsickness- Aeronausiphobia.
Vomiting- Emetophobia.


Waits, long- Macrophobia.
Walking, standing up and- Stasibasiphobia.
Walking- Ambulophobia, Basistasiphobia or Basostasophobia.
Washing- Ablutophobia.
Wasps- Spheksophobia.
Water- Hydrophobia.
Waves or wave like motions- Cymophobia or Kymophobia.
Wax statues- Automatonophobia.
Weakness- Asthenophobia.
Wealth- Plutophobia.
Weapons, nuclear- Nucleomituphobia.
Weight, gaining- Obesophobia or Pocrescophobia.
Wet dreams- Oneirogmophobia.
Whirlpools or dizzyness- Dinophobia.
White, the color- Leukophobia.
Wild animals- Agrizoophobia.
Wind- Ancraophobia or Anemophobia.
Wine- Oenophobia.
Witches and Witchcraft- Wiccaphobia.
Women- Gynephobia or Gynophobia.
Women, beautiful- Caligynephobia or Venstraphobia.
Wooden objects or forests- Xylophobia.
Words- Logophobia or Verbophobia.
Words, long- Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia or Sesquipedalophobia.
Work or functioning; surgeon's fear of operating- Ergasiophobia.
Work- Ergophobia or Ponophobia.
Worms- Scoleciphobia.
Worms, being infested with- Helminthophobia.
Wrinkles, getting- Rhytiphobia.
Writing- Graphophobia.
Writing in public- Scriptophobia.


X-rays or radiation- Radiophobia.


Yellow color- Xanthophobia.

credit to List of phobia

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Ciuman perokok boleh bunuh kanak-kanak

MELBOURNE: Ciuman perokok boleh membawa maut kepada kanak-kanak, kata seorang pakar kesihatan kanak-kanak.Prof Robert Booy, pengarah penyelidikan di Pusat Imunisasi dan Penyelidikan Kebangsaan di The Children's Hospital di Sydney, berkata ini kerana perokok berkemungkinan besar membawa sejenis bakteria berbahaya pada kerongkong mereka."Bakteria yang boleh menyebabkan kematian ini akan dipindahkan kepada kanak-kanak semasa mereka dibelai dan dicium."Perokok adalah pembawa kuman seperti meningococcus. Jadi, pelukan dan ciuman pada kanak-kanak, boleh menyebabkan kuman tersebar walaupun seseorang perokok itu merokok di luar rumah," katanya seperti dipetik laporan Australian Associated Press.Menurut laporan itu, seorang daripada 10 kanak-kanak yang terkena penyakit akibat jangkitan bakteria itu akan meninggal dunia. - Bernama
Sumber : Berita Harian Online

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Bagaimana sutera dihasilkan